Keep the excitement building for GA plenaries! Earn ChaliceBucks™ in your home church/congregation/society/fellowship/gaggle and bring them to GA to earn fabulous earth-friendly, fair trade, organic gifts and prizes, which in no way indicate that some persons are winner and others losers, or that some are deserving of winning and losing.
Here are some of the many ways you can earn ChaliceBucks™:
- Asking a neighbor or co-worker if they’re aware of what a personal relationship with Unitarian Universalism can do for them.
- Saying something really nasty about the Bush administration.
- Being offended.
- Feeling righteously indignant. (Not necessarily the same thing.)
- Hallmarking a holiday. (See Lizard Eater and Kinsi.)
- Remembering to light the chalice.
- Not wearing sneakers in the pulpit. (Clergy only.)
- Playing a Beatles song during a lay led worship service.
- Thinking nice thoughts.
- Signing a petition.
- Using “inherent worth and dignity” and “interdependent web of all existence” in the same sentence. (Cannot say “I just used inherent worth and dignity and interdependent web of all existence in the same sentence.”)
- Sharing.
Just bring your ChaliceBucks™ to GA and redeem them for great gifts and prizes like free UU tracts, hugs, and custom built lanyards—custom built by you! Or pool your ChaliceBucks™ with your friends to get fair compensation for your minister—or a pony!
*To be eligibile, you must be a real UU and not one of those new folks who doesn’t know how we do things around here. And a hat tip to Lizard Eater for her excellent drinking game, which I didn’t see until just now.