Earlier I said ubuntu is all we need. Now I want to push further. If Unitarian Universalism has a Good News, it is this: we already have what we need to practice ubuntu, and to practice it more fully. There is nothing missing that prevents us from realizing a fuller expression of ubuntu. If there […]
I’m still enamored by Doug Muder’s suggestion earlier this year of a UU mission statement: becoming the people the world needs. It leads to the question: who does the world need? Notice we’re not asking what the world needs; that too easily leads to an empty causism. The question is: who do we need to […]
It’s fun to be right. Being right as often as I am, I am, of course, well aware of this. But even more fun than being right is being right when others aren’t even aware of just how right you are. They should, of course, know just how right you are. They would be much […]
I’m teaching high school religious education this year, and we’re starting the year off with the UUA’s “Articulating Your Faith” curriculum. Today we were talking about what we say when folks ask what UUism is. The phrase that popped into the mind is “an open faith for religious humanists.” Does that work? Does it leave […]
What I’ve been reading this week at The Daily Scribe: The ever-fecund Pop Occulture coins a new term: “convergent spirituality.” Threedays tells us why men hate going to church.” The Journey reminds us that the Gospels aren’t bedtime stories. Arbitrary marks gives us the word on truthiness and the Pope, and also warns the Pope’s […]
There’s been an ongoing discussion in UU blogs about the need for theological renewal and, more specifically, a religious narrative that works for UUs. (To follow the post trail, start here, then go to Philocrites, then to Lo-Fi Tribe, then to Arbitrary Marks.) I want to mark off two kinds of narratives: mere-stories and plot-stories. […]