I talked to Dreamhost, and they put me on a more reliable server. Is it making any difference on your end?
Because it’s slower than god over here. Thinking about moving to a new host, so if you have an good recommendations of folks who can host five or ten domains for cheap, let me know.
Nothing too big, but if I write it, I’ll have to actually do it. I’ve been moving all my sites over to Dreamhost this month. I like that they have pretty much unlimited space, free domain registrations, and an unlimited number of sites you can host on your one account. (I’m hoping to figure out […]
Dear god in Montana that took a while! And on top of that my cell phone died. Apparently, Bluehost puts in a defalt.html file by, uh, default. But when you put in an index file (of any extension) it defaults to the index file. Got that? I didn’t even know there was a default.html in […]