Fafblog is back! “But the ape authorities rejected the message of Gorilla Jesus, cause their hearts were hard and their minds were closed and they couldn’t tell what he was sayin cause they were all just a buncha gorillas,” says Giblets. “And so they tried an convicted Gorilla Jesus of heresy an witchcraft an they […]
In light of the fact that Chutney heard that two out of three new ministerial candidates are women, Chutney is hereby and forthwith awarding him/herself the following awards: 2008 General Assembly Most Congenial Award 2008 General Assembly Most Valuable Player Award 2008 General Assembly Least Unmasculine Award Chutney is registered at Crate & Barrel.
Okay, if you’re at GA, no cheating. This one’s for the folks who couldn’t make it. Here’s the question: Whose GA vendor booth displayed this image across the back of their space? Bonus points for rampant speculation.
I think it is right and mete and good that the eleven people who cheered during the Service of the Living Tradition were executed as part of the benediction. Bastards. Like any good UU, I do as I’m told.
Are you going to GA? Are you paid to do membership work for a congregation? Then you’re invited to a membership pro get together this Wednesday night at 6:15. Location TBD. If you can come, RSVP over here.