Chalicechick reminds us that, though the Principles & Purposes are not a creed, they are treated as one by most UUs. If she’s right about that, those of us who teach new member classes are in the difficult position of needing to teach newcomers about a creed that’s not a creed. How should we teach […]
I preached yesterday. Text and audio are up at UUCA. Feel free to comment here since we’ve turned off comments over there.
The UU Women’s Federation board has unanimously endorsed Peter Morales for president of the UUA. For a while it seemed like all the powers-that-be were lining up behind Laurel Hallman. Now it gets a little more interesting.
David Plotz, an agnostic Jew, read the Bible for the very first time for a series of articles on last year. He put up a “what I learned” post today, and though he soured on the biblical God after reading his book, he has gathered some unlikely new personal heroes: As I read the […]
Whenever I listen in to evangelicals talking about the Bible and how to use it, I find myself somewhere between being amused and being perplexed—because their views about the Bible just aren’t biblical. There are two main reasons, biblically speaking, why they’re wrong. I think the way I’ll be using the Bible to make my […]
As of 10:30 pm EST, the Unitarian Universalist Congegation of Atlanta became the largest congregational Facebook group, beating out All Souls Tulsa (#2) and All Souls DC (#3) with 184 186 191 members and rising. I needn’t point out that we’re the smallest congregation of the three, by a long shot. We are the champions! […]