UU World put up a good article yesterday about the move from districts to regions. If you don’t know, the country is divided into 19 regions now, and it looks like we’re headed to merging them together to come up with five regions instead. What I’m wondering is who loses in the move from districts […]
I just finished up The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity by Slavoj Zizek, the so-called wildman of philosophy. And I keep going back to a passage on the very first page of the intro. In it, Zizek says that religion in our current day of global empire is limited to two […]
I’m taking some time to follow along through the Christian year using the new Mosaic Bible. This week’s readings for Pentecost Week 25: Nehemiah 9:5-37, Psalm 13, Romans 13:8-14, John 21:15-19, Romans 8:31-39. An extended speech we start with in Nehemiah is yet another god-smites-when-you’re-bad remake, this time by the lead priests who may be the ones who wrote […]
I’m taking some time to follow along through the Christian year using the new Mosaic Bible. This week’s readings for Pentecost 24: Exod 3:1-22, Psalm 106-107, Acts 7:2-50, Luke 4:1-13, and Deut 8:1-20. This week’s theme is wilderness, and the readings include the burning bush, a recap of the entire Exodus story in both Psalms and Acts, and Jesus’ […]
Last week I did something I haven’t done in years—I bought two new Bibles! So far, I think I like them both quite a bit. The first one, and the one getting all the press, is the new Mosaic Bible. I’ve been calling this my new liberal artsy fartsy Bible, though the translation is the […]
We have some great and growing fellowship groups at my congregation, and from time to time I get asked how we do it, especially about the young adult group. This is the advice I give to folks at my congregation who want to start up a fellowship group that reaches a large range of people, […]