“I am not a racist… and it is not OK to tell me that I am,” says Jamie Goodwin over at Trivium. In fact it is an insult, an attack even, on everything I stand for. While I applaud our work on anti-racism as an organization i find it extremely unfair, and frankly a little […]
Because it’s slower than god over here. Thinking about moving to a new host, so if you have an good recommendations of folks who can host five or ten domains for cheap, let me know.
Oh, the irony! Or as one digger put it, “I support this man’s right to not support his right to do what he is doing in order to support my right to not support what he is doing.” (Hat tip to digg.)
Acknowledging that some of our congregation’s buildings were built with slave trade money. Acknowledging that huge racial diversity just may not be in the cards for us, and that that can be okay if we do other good work. And this: “Many of us thought we were going to solve racism and poverty,” said Sinkford, […]
Go tell it on the mountain!
Because god is snarky. She created a snarky universe in her image. And, lo, it was good, very good.