Writes Jacques Berlinerblau: “The 2008 presidential election is probably the first in American history that has spawned a veritable faith and politics industry.” We haven’t had one for a while?? I can see the complex part though. Ralph Reed has to have some trippy hang ups. But industry? It’s a far cry from the Model […]
Back to Sharon Welch in After Empire. An atheist, she writes: What, then, is the religious? This is the name we give to those encounters and energies that are constitutive but amoral, those encounters that are vivid, compelling, and meaningful, but fragile. (Page 30.) I’m still chewing on that.
I want to thank Jaume for keeping the discussion about the New Atheists going on his blog. I want to keep the conversation going on my end, and I want to do that by talking about my own understanding of what faith, organized religion and spirituality are. I buy in to Paul Tillich’s understanding of […]
I’ve been thinking lately about the New Atheists™—the Christopher Hitchenses and Richard Dawkinses, with their best selling books and talk show appearances. I’ve been asking myself: Why is this New Atheism™ so important to them? The god they don’t believe in is a Tooth Fairy god, a Santa Claus god, a god of the gaps. […]
I picked up a copy of Sharon Welch’s After Empire: The Art and Ethos of Enduring Peace at GA, and I’m slowly working my way through it. From page five: What I know in my soul I learned from the lives of my mother and father: that it is possible to work for justice without […]
Carl Scovel laid out a nice typology at his farewell sermon at GA. I missed the sermon, but Ron Robinson does a good job laying it out. Scoven says we’ve got two competing theologies in play in UUism. Universalism focuses on god’s love for all and bends toward radical welcome. Inclusionism focuses on our ability […]