Be sure to stick with it to the end, philosophy fans.
Maybe now that the Vatican said this he’ll stop saying things like this.
Has anyone been getting 404 errors when they comment? I have, even though my comment still goes up.  The WordPress plugin Bad Behavior just blacklisted me on my own site, so I turned that the hell off. Now commenting and posting seem much faster. Coincidence?
Most every time I lead a new member workshop, I ask if anyone found out about us by taking the Belief-O-Matic quiz over at Invariably, some folks sheepishly raise their hands. I didn’t find out about UUism from it, but it did help push me over the “I’m not really UU, am I?” edge. […]
A Southern Baptist minister in Enid, Oklahoma, (Silver Tongued Devil’s hometown) is airing the International Mission Board’s laundry on his blog, and the IMB has censured him for his posts. Â Here’s the report in the local paper, and here’s his response on his blog. Curiously enough, one of the IMB rules he is publicly […]
Chutney got his first work phone call yesterday. Very cool.