This adds a completely new dimension to the Civil Rights era: Speaking at the church where Martin Luther King Jr. launched the civil rights movement, Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama on Sunday called for unity to overcome America’s “moral deficit.” In a visit steeped in symbolism — coming a day before the King holiday — […]
If you recovering fundamentalists thought Rapture panic was bad when you were a kid, it’s even worse now: This RE curriculum stages a fake Rapture to strike the fear of God into parents and kids alike.
From the pen of Jonathan Falwell (Jerry’s son) in his “Fallwell Confidential” email newsletter this week: We also hear people insinuating that Jesus would be driving a hybrid car if He were on the earth today. Or we hear that Jesus would be working to help the oppressed people of our world. Moreover, I believe […]
It’s been said that the perfect is the enemy of the good. It’s also true that niceness is the enemy of compassion.
I’m a bit ashamed of myself for blogging about, of all things, Britney. And it occurred to me that some of you readers might be rolling your eyes too. So here’s how to filter your Chutney, for those of you reading via RSS. To get the whole shebang, subscribe to the general RSS feed. If […]
I was cleaning out my mailbox from the holiday break earlier today, and someone had left a NYTimes article about the growth of the minyanim movement. The minyanim are small groups (20 to 200) of young Jewish urbanites who gather each week for self-led worship without the assistance or approval of any established synagogue. (I […]