David Plotz, an agnostic Jew, read the Bible for the very first time for a series of articles on Slate.com last year. He put up a “what I learned” post today, and though he soured on the biblical God after reading his book, he has gathered some unlikely new personal heroes: As I read the […]
As of 10:30 pm EST, the Unitarian Universalist Congegation of Atlanta became the largest congregational Facebook group, beating out All Souls Tulsa (#2) and All Souls DC (#3) with 184 186 191 members and rising. I needn’t point out that we’re the smallest congregation of the three, by a long shot. We are the champions! […]
I’ve surprised myself by how dedicated a reader of Internet Monk I’ve become of late. That means both of my favorite Christian bloggers—Real Live Preacher being the other—are Southern Baptist ministers. I told you I’m surprised. Yesterday, iMonk posted what reads to me like a defense of the Christian doctrine of universalism. It’s brilliant, and […]
There aren’t, but now I really wish there were.
This would let me manage both this site and my work site from my iPhone. Come on and get out of beta!
Everyone wants in on the ascot now—Michael Johns and David Beckham, no less. Look guys, you’re four months late. I was sporting the ascot this Christmas. You’re late to the party. Doing whatever Chutney does. Now at the J Crew nearest you.