So says Stephen Colbert. Just wait until he reads my fiery blog post response.
I’m fascinated by the slow but steady trickle of evolutionary studies of morality. (Here’s the latest. And here’s the quiz.) On the one hand, they’re just damn silly. Really, disgust evolved because we started to eat meat? I’ve seen dogs throw up out of disgust; I think it’s safe to say disgust isn’t unique to […]
At least Jesus got a dirt bike out of it.
Introducing Brad. For starters, check out this cartoon—it has dinosaurs! Or look at this post about the conflict between the disability and mental health advocacy movements: They need unity! And a logo. I suggest a tasteful depiction of Virginia Woolf in a wheelchair. That’s funny because mad people always make lists of awesome mad people […]
Not that polls at this stage mean a whole lot, but it’s interesting to see that Dems are beating the GOP on just about everything in an Ohio poll. What’s really curious to me is that Clinton is beating Guiliani by seven points in spite of having a much higher unfavorable numbers—43% versus Guiliani’s 30% […]