
How to be a leader

05.18.06 | 12 Comments

I recently got a burr in my saddle to write a best selling book on Leadership. This is a really good idea, especially since I happen to be a Leader myself.

"How do I know if I am a Leader?" you may ask. If you have to ask, then you are not a Leader. Real Leaders™ already know they are Leaders, see? No, of course not. You wouldn't understand because you're not a Leader.

People not understanding is a big problem for Leaders. But that's why we're the Leaders and they're not. Leaders understand. They understand because they lead. That's what Leaders do, see? Oh, of course you don't.

Because people don't understand anything, we Leaders have to tell them when they're wrong. This is important because it reminds people why we're the Leaders and they're not. Because they don't understand, they forget that we're the Leaders. You must constantly remind them so they will remember their wrongness.

People also ask dumb questions like "why" and "why not?" This is because they're Troublemakers. Only Troublemakers ask questions like that. When asked Troublemaker Questions, you can respond with "because that's the way it is" or "we've always done it that way" or "you'll understand when you're older" or "you'll understand when you have more experience." They won't, of course, but they won't understand that. Troublemakers never do.

Sometimes the Troublemakers get dumb ideas. You will know someone has a dumb idea when they say something like "hey, why don't we do this instead?" or "what if we tried this?" Being Troublemakers, they don't understand why-it-is-the-way-it-is and why-we've-always-done-it-that-way. If they understood those two important things, they would already be Leaders and wouldn't need to ask Troublemaker questions.

In these sorts of situations, you can respond with "we've already tried that and it didn't work." This isn't exactly true, but that's okay because everything a leader does works already. That's why we're the Leaders. We already know their idea won't work because we're not already doing it. There's really no point in trying something that won't work. In a way, our not doing it proves that it won't work, and that's all the trying that needs done.

Leaders do things that work, not things that don't work. That's why Troublemakers are never Leaders. Troublemakers just want to Cause Trouble. But Leaders don't make trouble. And Leaders don't try things. Leaders lead, and that's hard work, harder than Trouble Making, that's for sure. But I suppose only a Leader would understand that.

You can see I have a lot of things I know about being a Leader. I think this will be a really good book. I'm sure you'll agree. Those of you who are Leaders anyway.

