
Changing directions at your favorite blog?

11.04.04 | 2 Comments

Looking into my crystal ball here, I see the future MyIrony returning to posts about globalization ethics, spirituality, god stuff, Market™ lies and how we become who we are. (Click on this post’s categories—“filed under”—to see recent samples.) Which is to say, less out-and-out politics.

Why? Not because the election is over (and we lost), but, yeah, because the election is over and we lost. I’m sure there are lots of interesting tactical and strategic reasons why we lost, but my gifts and graces seem better suited to WHY we lost. There are big picture reasons why we lost, and then there are BIG PICTURE reasons why we lost.

Which isn’t to say there will be no more pop politics. (And there will always be snark.) The deal with crystal balls is the view is foggy, and the future is always changing.

So tell me, gentle readers, what do you see in my crystal ball?

