
Last minute election thoughts

11.02.04 | 3 Comments

Voted this morning before work. I got to the polling place around 8:30 and was out by 8:45. My wife, who has to be at work earlier than I do, showed up an hour earlier and had to wait a full hour to vote. Seems everyone had the same idea about voting early to avoid the lines.

There were several kids in the short line, including one set of twins who looked to be in kindergarten. I can’t remember ever seeing that before. Very encouraging. Some church folks were setting up some sort of sound system and an info booth for their church just outside the fellowship hall. Very annoying. Take a day off for Jesus, would you?

I called my parents this morning to tease them about being sure to vote today. They were in the first ten people to vote in their precinct. The mayor was in line just before them. (Didn’t know the neighborhood sportscaster was mayor of OKC now.)

In spite of having Jon Stewart’s book with me at work today, and having a major event to run on Thursday, I have been fit to be tied all afternoon. I’ve been obsessively checking Wonkette, Atrios, and DailyKos for leaks of early exit poll results, for whatever those are worth. Early indications are encouraging, however, and turnout in minority precincts in swing states is reported to be higher than expected.

However it turns out tonight, there will be tears in my beer. The only question is what kind of beer, and what kind of tears.

