
The theological worldview (4 of 5)

07.17.03 | 4 Comments

“In reaction to materialism, theologians created or postulated a supernatural realm. Acknowledging that this higher realm could not be known by the senses, they conceded earthly reality to science and preserved a privileged ‘spiritual’ realm immune to confirmation or refutation. The materialists were only too glad to concede to the theologians the ‘heavenly’ realm, since they did not believe it existed anyway. The slogan that many clergy were taught in seminaries was ‘Science tell us how the world was created, religion tells us why.’ This means splitting reality in two and hermetically sealing off theology from the discoveries of science and science from the wisdom of theology…

“In a world inundated with scientific data and discoveries, [virtually all the great theologians of the twentieth century] have not been interested in science. The price paid for this schizoid view of reality was the loss of a sense of the whole and the unity of heavenly and earthly aspects of existence.”

(From Walter Wink’s The Powers That Be, p.18-19.)

