I’ve been cooking up some ideas for amendments to the US Constitution. Here’s three on the economic end of things. Please comment. I’ll make changes accordingly.
Amendment XXIII
Section 1. The right to health care shall not be violated.
Section 2. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Amendment XXIX
Section 1. The right to a livable wage shall not be violated or abridged.
Section 2. All persons shall be entitled to no less than one half of the value of their labor.
Section 3. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Amendment XXX
Section 1. The right to organize for the pursuit of life, liberty, and property shall not be violated.
Section 2. No such organization shall be granted the rights of a person, by the United States, nor by any of its states or districts.
Section 3. Officers of such an organization, or those holding the organization in trust, shall be held liable for crimes committed under the aegis of said organization.
your section 2 of amendment xxx is a big one i’ve been touting for a long time now. it’s been sorely needed as the rise of corporations and their squelching of individual citizen’s rights is something our forefathers couldn’t have foreseen.
It’s as though corporations are “more equal” than all other “legal” persons.
Yep, yep, XXX is the key one here. I sympathize with your goals with the other two, but I could never support using the constitution to realize those goals. If fact I’d probably be fighting hardcore against you on them, that just isn’t the space for the federal government to be operating in.
But the fact that corporations are privileged to the same rights as humans, that’s a winning issue. If organized and phrased properly I could see that amendment gaining real popular support. The officer issue is tricky though, there should be a balance between the accountability of the people involved for the actions of the corporation and need to make sure the economy doesn’t get frozen in fear.
As far as the officers issue, I’m trying to make the act of owning stock actually mean something. In most other cases of ownership, you have both privileges and responsibilities. Unless you want to get really abstract, shareholding carries few (if any) of the responsibilities of sharehodling and all of the responsibilities. My hope is that this amendment would return shareholders to being the governance of a corporation.
And my goal in XXXI is to de facto institute significant (but not total) employee ownership. There wouldn’t need to be federal involvement except to enforce occasional fines and the likes for infringements, like it does presently for other infringements.
And XXX doesn’t necessarily mean a one-payer system (although I personally favor that). A minimalist reading would deal only with denial of service; it would then be up to healthcare providers to figure out how to manage it. We could always add words like “necessary and proper” to keep tummy tucks and the likes out of the picture.
Fundamental Economics
“H” My Irony’s proposed Constitutional Ammendment XXXIX, Section 2)
Fundamental Economics
“H” My Irony’s proposed Constitutional Ammendment XXXIX, Section 2)
Amendment 28,
“The right to health care shall not be violated.”
Violated by whom and how? and since healthcare is a right, maybe you should add that to amendmet 30 with life, liberty, and property (since they are rights too.)
Amendment 29, needs to be defined more, what do you mean by livable wage, how do you value work, who values it, if they value work incorectly where are the checks and balances, and is their a limit to this livable wage?
This amendment will also cause political and economic problems, If I were a politician I could buy votes merly by saying to the people “I will raise your liviable wage rate to $20 an hour” EVERYONE other then the biusness men will love this becuase their are more workers then employers. that person or party will get more votes and beat thier opponents, thats the political problem. The economic problem would come because the employer will run out of money hiring all their workers at $20 an hour. so they will fire workers, and you will have millions on the street. Then the government will have to give out unemployment benifits to get people moving again. The government will begin to run out of money paying people to do nothing. The government will raise taxes on the buisness men. the buisness men in order to stay in buisness will have to fire more workers just to pay taxes. and you will have more unemployment.
Amendment 30 section one, already exists in the first amendment, The right to assemble peacefuly. Doesn’t really need another amendment..