
Ideas for Constitutional amendments

07.05.03 | 7 Comments

I’ve been cooking up some ideas for amendments to the US Constitution. Here’s three on the economic end of things. Please comment. I’ll make changes accordingly.

Amendment XXIII
Section 1. The right to health care shall not be violated.
Section 2. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Amendment XXIX
Section 1. The right to a livable wage shall not be violated or abridged.
Section 2. All persons shall be entitled to no less than one half of the value of their labor.
Section 3. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Amendment XXX
Section 1. The right to organize for the pursuit of life, liberty, and property shall not be violated.
Section 2. No such organization shall be granted the rights of a person, by the United States, nor by any of its states or districts.
Section 3. Officers of such an organization, or those holding the organization in trust, shall be held liable for crimes committed under the aegis of said organization.

