A friend pointed me to a great article by Boston University prof Stephen Prothero on why religions are not all really the same when you get down to it. And why it’s dangerous to say otherwise. I’ll leave to Prothero the argument as to why this soft sort of inclusivism—a “religions are really all the […]
Fifteen years ago today, I was sleeping in, skipping class (as was known to happen). A loud boom—and I swore it shook me, but that couldn’t be right—woke me up. I think I was still living directly downstairs from Kristen Chenowith that year, and I added “dropping an anvil in the bathtub while I was […]
I’m jumping in the middle of a conversation, late to the dance as usual, but here are the two most recent bits of the conversation I’m aware of: Kinsi talking about bylaws and the COA and East of Midnight’s response. The center of the controversy is East of Midnight’s saying that she feels sorry for […]