
Evangelicals: Aren’t your beliefs about the Bible unbiblical?

02.05.09 | 7 Comments

Whenever I listen in to evangelicals talking about the Bible and how to use it, I find myself somewhere between being amused and being perplexed—because their views about the Bible just aren’t biblical.

There are two main reasons, biblically speaking, why they’re wrong. I think the way I’ll be using the Bible to make my point is something evangelicals would recognize from evangelical pulpits, which is to say I don’t think I’m using godless liberal exegetical methods.

One, the Bible makes a strong claim about the identity of “the Word of God.” In John 1, it’s quite clear that Jesus is the Word of God. Unless Jesus has been incarnated twice—once as a human being and then again as a book—the Bible is not the Word of God. Evangelicals ought to choose which they worship, Jesus or a book about Jesus.

Two, the only claim the Bible makes about anything approaching inerrancy is 2 Timothy 3:16-17:

All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work. (NRSV)

That’s a low ball claim for biblical authority when it’s compared to what evangelicals would have us believe about the Bible. It’s a pragmatic view: scripture should be kept around because it helps us do good in the world. It doesn’t say scripture is useful for making truth claims. You can argue that truth claims about the Bible are necessary to equip the people of God for good works, but you are arguing that; the Bible says no such thing.

Evangelicals’ need for the Bible to be true in ways the Bible doesn’t even need itself to be true belies the sin of idolatry—idolatry of the very Bible they’re making false claims about. Given a choice between the reasons the Bible claims it’s important and ones they’ve made up themselves, they’d rather make the life of Jesus a second-rate source of authority next to their own made-up reasons why their ideology about the Bible is truer than true.

