InternetMonk on the modern state of ministry. (Comment thread is here.) The skills of the pastorate have always been exaggerated beyond the merely mortal. In Elizabethan times, one only needed to be able to read the prayer book. In the classic evangelical model, the pastor was preacher, shepherd and worship leader. As Protestantism succeeded, the […]
This would let me manage both this site and my work site from my iPhone. Come on and get out of beta!
Ministers Therapists Ministers expected to listen and help in time of crisis. Therapists expected to listen and help in time of crisis. Ministers expected to be good and kind every time you see them, whether at worship or the grocery store. Therapists expected to be good and kind for fifty minute increments, by appointment only. […]
This is old news, but it’s nice to see in any case: In June, the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life published a controversial survey in which 70 percent of Americans said that they believed religions other than theirs could lead to eternal life. From the NY Times.
With thanks to tanaka40k for getting it up on putting it on YouTube.
One of Chutney’s new year’s resolutions is to start blogging regularly again. I’ve let self-censorship and writer’s block get the best of me for the last few months. Let’s see if a return to uncensored spicy hot goodness will get me writing regularly again.