

We are a gentle, road rage people

06.17.08 | 4 Comments

Be careful making your way out of the parking lot Sunday.  A new study suggests our penchant for bumper stickers indicates we drive aggressively.

Watch out for cars with bumper stickers.

That’s the surprising conclusion of a recent study by Colorado State University social psychologist William Szlemko. Drivers of cars with bumper stickers, window decals, personalized license plates and other “territorial markers” not only get mad when someone cuts in their lane or is slow to respond to a changed traffic light, but they are far more likely than those who do not personalize their cars to use their vehicles to express rage — by honking, tailgating and other aggressive behavior, he said.

It does not seem to matter whether the messages on the stickers are about peace and love — “Visualize World Peace” — or angry and in your face — “My Kid Beat Up Your Honor Student.”

