New group here.
In the circles I grew up in, “Revival” meant a grand moving of the Holy Spirit. The lame walk, the blind see, the lost are found. God moves in mysterious ways, and the Holy Spirit at a Revival does New Things. Revivals, in practice, are a series of evening worship services, one after another for […]
Free because there aren’t any parking meters left. Because they’ve all been stolen. City officials say crooks sawed off 546 parking meters this year —39 percent of all the meters in the city, at a total loss of $273,000. Because it happens so often, the city does not report meter muggers to police, said Tenee […]
You always remember your first ascot. Can you believe some of them wanted to give their ascots back? No love for the ascot. (Photo via Bobafred.)
I ran into Bobafred and Mingaling last night at Target in the midst of what Bobafred called my “mighty quest” to find a festive holiday ascot. No luck last night, but a trip to the fabric store and five dollars later, I have the baddest assest ascot Jesus has ever seen. (And enough fabric for […]
There was a foot of snow on the ground here in Boston yesterday. It was supposed to be my big day walking around Boston seeing all that can be seen. I wasn’t too concerned about the snow. A foot of snow is a rare sight for an Atlanta, but Boston takes good care of its […]