Folks with bipolar have been taking some of the same meds as folks with epilepsy for a while now. Might be a coincidence. Might mean they’re two ends of the same thing.
I hear it a lot. I’ve probably said it a lot. “Jesus is a great prophet.” “Great man” works just as well. Or “great teacher.” But what does it mean? Or, better, what does it mean that’s worth saying? Sometimes it seems like a brush off. Other times it feels like an honest to god […]
To follow up on my questions for non-Christian UUs, I’m wondering which version of the Christian story you are rejecting. This sort of gets to the post at Philocrites a bit ago that called out how the version of Christianity we say we reject is a good 300 years old. So what about the version […]
Just to go full circle, here are some questions for non-Christian UUs. Do you find the Christian story worse than other sacred stories? Is it no worse than others but just not the one that works for you? Do you buy that the Christian story can change and transform people? If so, why doesn’t it […]
Peacebang wrote a groovy post about what UU Chrsitians do. Here are some questions about why they do what they do, though the questions could be for any group really with a little adaptation. Do you find the Christian story better than other sacred stories? Is it the first among equals? Is it no better […]