Today is Blog Day! And there was much rejoicing. The idea is to find five blogs off your beaten track. That was too hard—I like that well beaten track. So here are some blogs I either haven’t linked to before or haven’t linked to in a long while. 1. Internet Monk. Dispatches from the post-evangelical […]
Peacebang asked some great questions about ministering to single folk a few days back. I’ve been chewing on it since. Growing up evangelical, I saw a lot of singles ministries come and go. Many, maybe most, fell into the traps that Peacebang lays out so well, but I don’t think they’re so different that we […]
You probably already know about the Holy Land Experience, an evangelical theme park in Orlando. Looks like it might get some competition. A $150 million theme park called Bible Park USA is being planned for Rutherford County, Tennessee, outside of Nashville. Roughly the same size as Dollywood, the theme park is being welcomed by Chamber […]
This barber’s son says you should check out Doug Muder’s UU World article, “Not My Father’s Religion.” The tagline says it all: If my working-class father started attending a UU church, I’m not sure who he’d talk to. The barber’s son also wants you to check out Facilitating Paradox’s response and Trivium’s two-parter. For bonus […]
“Gay Jesus art sparks violence… and hope” from MyOutSpirit. “Could the gnostic gospels be considered fanfic?” from the Blind Bookworm.
Here’s the deal with freaks and geeks: I love them because I am one. I play Civilization IV. I go to the comic book store now and again. I TiVo Battlestar Galactica. I listen to Belle & Sebastian, Neutral Milk Hotel, and Hem. I’m a Mac switcher. Hell, I even blog. So I’ve been asking […]