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Two very personal views on UU anti-racism

06.26.07 | 19 Comments

“I am not a racist… and it is not OK to tell me that I am,” says Jamie Goodwin over at Trivium.

In fact it is an insult, an attack even, on everything I stand for. While I applaud our work on anti-racism as an organization i find it extremely unfair, and frankly a little frightening, for hard working, justice centered people, to self identify with smug looks on their faces, “Racist of course.. I am an American.”

Meanwhile, Joseph Santos-Lyons had this to say:

I believe AR/AO/MC is manifested in authentic relationship. In our authenticity, we are accountable and caring. In our accountability, we are reconciled and restored. In our caring, we nurture our greatest gift, the power of love. I believe true community to be intergenerational, multiracial, multicultural community, and it is these spaces and places I seek to be and minister.

Both are very strong statements about UU anti-racist work. And both come from places of pain.

