No, really, they did. It’s a real headline. (Hat tip to Kottke.)
My mom was kind enough to send me the Oklahoma Centennial edition of the Daily Oklahoman. It turns out that even after that eighth grade class on Oklahoma history, there are still lots of things for me to learn about Oklahoma. Here they are, pretty much verbatim, ripped straight from the headlines: One: Langston University […]
Just got a MySpace friends request from Satan. Sigh. They’ll let anybody on there now.
For two years now, the number of baptisms performed in Southern Baptist congregations has dropped, giving the denomination a lackluster 1% increase in members, well below the national “replacement rate.” Does this make them one of those moribund, declining mainline denominations now?
I’m going through a snark crisis. Chutney is an old blogger. I remember the old days, back when me and Philocrites were the only UU bloggers either of us knew about. Then we (and by “we,” I mean Philocrites) stumbled on a few more blogs, back when Peacebang and Boy in the Bands were getting […]
Thursday night after dinner my wife started getting some bad stomach cramps. Then worse stomach cramps. Then nine on a ten scale painful stomach cramps. So off to the ER we went. She has Crohn’s disease and got about a foot of her colon taken out seven years ago, so anything GI-related is serious business […]