
Bloggers who make me think

04.23.07 | Comment?

Thinking Blogger AwardSo it turns out that I make Kinsi think. Not about ingesting toilet bowl cleaner and soap, mind you. But still thinking. Further evidence that I am a popular and important person.

Because this is the interweb, and the interweb is built on guilt, I must now reciprocate by shining my popular-and-important-person radiance on five people who make me, ahem, think. Damn you, karma.

1. Atlanta Unitarian. I’ve gotta echo Kinsi here. My problem with Atlanta Unitarian is that he doesn’t post often enough. So screw him. (No more repeats from Kinsi’s list—don’t want to give him the big head.)

2. ChaliceChick. Honest questions and answers about UUism and this crazy little movement we’ve worked up. What are you gonna do?

3. Peacebang. Sassy and smart commentary on UUism. My favorite blogger to disagree with.

4. My neighbor Duane Moody writes fun and honest blog posts on pop culture, politics, and life. And he can drink me under the table, which really is something to think about.

5. Yet Another UU. Good thinkering on god stuff and church stuff from Dan Harper. And all around swell guy, dammit.

So there. Y’all have been tagged. So get to posting your five, because karma’s a bitch.

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