A long, thorough, and imminently helpful primer on the employment of effective off color language. (Hat tip to Tommy Tanaka.)
I saw in my comments section yesterday that Elizabeth’s Little Blog has posted a response to a post I made, “Christianity without Christ,” about a year and a half ago. Elizabeth correctly points out that there have been multiple Christianities over the years, a fact that scholars have been pointing out especially over the last […]
I have a four bumper sticker limit. This is because several years ago I heard someone say that having a lot of bumper stickers was a great way to limit the size of your potential circle of friends. So yesterday my third bumper sticker—a picture of Bush next to the words “DARN GOOD LIAR”—came off […]
A new study suggests our scruples don’t work so well when we’re sleep deprived.
When Jesus was my age, he rode triumphantly into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey, ran the tax collectors out of the Temple, celebrated his last Seder with his disciples, and got arrested, beaten and crucified. So it should be an interesting year. I’ll be keeping a close eye on you all around Holy […]