Kinsi asks if you’re a “pop-UU,” a Unitarian who watches American Idol and Jerry Springer. Be not afraid, lowbrow Unitarians. You are not alone. Not to turn this into a discussion about eyebrows—I’ll let Peacebang get that one—but let’s turn this into a conversation about eyebrows. Well, brows, anyhow. Whatever a non-eye brow is. There […]
Did you know that when Christianity got the nod from Emperor Constantine in 325 or so, Christians were less than a third of folks in the Roman Empire? Or that in 300 they were only 10%? And in 200 less than one percent? Though the Mormons are likely the ones who will cover this tune, […]
Sure, he sold pot and the social worker found an open bottle of Jack under the crib, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a good father. Article here.
Neil Miller tries to set the record straight on evil Persians, funding conspiracies, and other exaggerations. But sadly, nothing on Spartan homosexuality versus Athenian pederasty. I also feel like I owe all my fellow Unitarians an apology: I liked 300. Sorry. And so did all the other Unitarians I saw it with. I’d even like […]
New studies on a gene associated with circadian rhythms suggest that a genetic disposition to irregular sleep patterns may contribute to or cause bipolar disorder. It’s just mice so far, and a preliminary study, but it’s encouraging news all the same.
Atlanta has streets like no other. Unlike most cities, Atlanta is a city that never planned to grow. It still hasn’t planned. But why plan when you can have Atlanta streets? The first trick to making an Atlanta street is to make the lanes only fifteen inches wider than the average car. This helps drivers […]