Our creedish un-creed, the Purposes & Principles are often referred to by Unitarians when tough questions come up. But what to do when the P&P contradict each other, or even themselves? Some examples. Inherent worth and dignity versus the interdependent web. The democratic process versus prophetic words and deeds. The democratic process versus individual right […]
How’s Real Live Preacher doing after a year on meds? “Just fine. Good. Mostly good. I think good.”
And I just happen to have a birthday around the corner. (Hint, hint.) Blessinem rims. (Thanks, Ed!)
Man. It’s been two weeks since I’ve posted. Aside from a couple of colds and an adrenaline crash (following a two-week adrenaline rush), life as been good. But onto other things… I was called into the ministry at the ripe old age of fourteen at summer camp at Oral Roberts University—as were fully one-third of […]
I posted the text of this a bit back, but here is the mp3—I’m the first seven minutes. (You can pick up our podcast here.)
Matt Tittle has a great article up about the meeting point of humanism and panentheism. Good stuff.