

And we’re back!

12.07.06 | Comment?

Dear god in Montana that took a while! And on top of that my cell phone died.

Apparently, Bluehost puts in a defalt.html file by, uh, default. But when you put in an index file (of any extension) it defaults to the index file. Got that? I didn’t even know there was a default.html in my folder when I moved everything over.

Which is unfortunate because Dreamost really really likes default.html files. In fact, it likes them more than index files of any extensions. So that default file (Welcome to Bluehost!) that you were all seeing this week? That meant everything was up and running at Dreamhost. Makes perfect sense, right?

And my cell phone died. I’m not exactly sure why or how, but my hunch is that it had something to do with my putting it through the washing machine. Who knows with these contarn new-fangled devil gadgets?

So if anyone has need of the world’s tiniest fish tank, I can set you up real cheap. It even looks like a cell phone, so all the kids will think you’re neato cool.

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