makes a good stab at it.
It wasn’t too long ago that I signed up for Text-Link-Ads. I’d had Google Ads on the site for a while, but the ads were a bit off topic, if not out and out strange. So I signed up for TLA in hopes of a little better deal, and more relevant ads. The way TLA […]
Making Chutney made it into the Winter 2006 edition of UU World! In a new part of the letters section, you can now find blogged responses to UU World articles. Many thanks to Chris Walton and his posse for the surprise nod for my awkwardly titled post, “We are dependent rational (religious) animals.” If you’re […]
Click the thumbnail for the full toon. (With hat tips to Lord Belvedere for help in frame two and Chalicechick for copy editing.)
Chutney surfs the interweb so you don’t have to—his feed reader clocks in at over 200 feeds! And thanks to a new service from Google Reader, he can now share with you the diamonds in the rough. So click on Good Reads (available in the tab bar above) and check out what Chutney has been […]
Remembering that reconciliation is a spirituality, not a strategery, we can see three ways to put reconciliation into action. (Courtesy of Schreiter.) 1. Relearn to listen patiently, to ourselves and to others. Between work and email and errands, we forgot how to listen to stories of pain. Maybe we never learned. Maybe no one taught […]