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How influential we are! (…er…were)

11.25.06 | 10 Comments

The December issue of Atlantic Monthly is running a list of the 100 most influential Americans, compiled from responses from several super-historians. As you might expect, we Unitarians fared quite well, getting ten or twelve out of 100, depending on how strict your criteria are.

3. Thomas Jefferson (in belief, if not membership)
25. John Adams
33. Ralph Waldo Emerson
38. Susan B. Anthony
40. John Dewey
45. Samuel F. B. Morse
53. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
55. John Quincy Adams
64. Jane Addams (in belief, if not membership)
65. Henry David Thoreau
76. Frank Lloyd Wright
100. Herman Melville

Two honorary Unitarians received honorable mentions. T.S. Eliot was raised by a Unitarian minister but later emigrated to England and converted to Catholicism. Sylvia Plath was raised Unitarian and professed Unitarian sympathies as an adult, but never joined.

In a separate list of the 34 most influential living Americans, there are no Unitarians. Which raises the question: Who is the most influential living Unitarian?

