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Any way we can (part four in ubuntu series)

10.27.06 | 2 Comments

So if ubuntu is so damn important—maybe even all we really need—how do we do it? Short answer: any way we can.

Buddhism has a nice concept called “upaya.” Upaya is the idea that, when crossing the river to enlightenment, any water-worthy thing that gets you across will do. Bass boat, yacht, driftwood—it’s all good.

“Upaya” is often translated as “expedient means.” While this gives a good idea of what it gets at, “expedient” can make it sound like anything goes. Anything goes doesn’t go. Anything goes won’t get you across the river. Anything goes is the wrong side of the river.

So what practices and habits get us across the river to upaya? I’ll make one suggestion: reconciliation .

(You can follow this whole ubuntu thread by clicking on the “ubuntu” tag link.)

