There’s been an ongoing discussion in UU blogs about the need for theological renewal and, more specifically, a religious narrative that works for UUs. (To follow the post trail, start here, then go to Philocrites, then to Lo-Fi Tribe, then to Arbitrary Marks.) I want to mark off two kinds of narratives: mere-stories and plot-stories. […]
So I was mowing the lawn in high school when I noticed a frog in my path. I stopped dead in my tracks and let the handle go to stop the mower when the frog jumped right under the mower. After a deep breath, and a few choice words, I pulled the mower back to […]
But Rodenberry always meant for the tribbles to be in 3D CGI.
Post I’ve enjoyed this week from folks at The Daily Scribe. (Sorry I missed last week.) A Chutney fave, Pop Occulture, just joined this week. Here’s one from him: “Driving: Rite of Passage.” And here’s another: “The Biology of Guilt“ Religion Blog gets onto a Mennonite doctor for refusing to fill a birth control order […]
In a recent comment to the “But April 19” re-post, CP links us to this Ze Frank vidcast. A view asked Brooklyn-based Ze where he was on 9/11, and Ze tells it all. I was just a few miles away from the Murrah building the morning of April 19, and that next year I moved […]
Though more than nine in ten Americans tell pollsters they believe in god, a recent survey shows that there are four different gods Americans believe in. (Graphic.) Also of note: less than half of projected evangelicals identified themselves as such, only half as “born again,” and less than two thirds as “bible believing.” (Hat tip […]