A People So Bold and Boy in the Bands have each responded to my recent salvo on what ministry is and ain’t. Some further thoughts: 1. Ministry is not a profession. The professions—law, medicine, and psychology, most typically—are necessarily self-serving guilds. By credentialing and policing their members, they preserve the power to control public access […]
It’s no secret here that I grew up in the crossfire between free range charismatics and institutional Methodist bureaucracy, so it should come as little surprise that I have strong feelings about seminary, denominational credentialing and ministry. One half of my church life taught me that anyone with the gifts and graces for ministry was […]
It’s almost here. Minimum order of one million units required. A model for grown ups is not yet in the works.
Following up on a comment thread over at Yet Another UU, it seems that my Unitarian congregation is not the only one that has faced challenges welcoming twenty- and thirtysomethings. But we’ve mostly done it, boasting a mailing list of almost 180. Here’s how.
Who are we bloggers accountable to? I imagine two families of accountability models when it comes to blogs. Professional models: Journalism vs. tabloid gossip. Academia vs. plagiarism. Footnotes, cited sources, and the lack thereof. Attribution and cheating. Personal models: Named vs. pen named. “In relationship” vs. hyper-individualist. “This is really me” vs. “I’m just playing […]
To excellent Scriber posts on sin, karma, and progress: one from a Buddhist, one from a pagan.