Finally found a tagging plugin I can use. It’s modestly named the Ultimate Tag Warrior, and K2 has built in support for it so that I didn’t even have to do anything other than plug it in and turn it on. Best feature: entering comma separated values on the “write” page—my fingers just won’t do […]
Hah! I’m not really telling. I’m asking. It’s meme time here at Making Chutney, and I need your help. Whether you’ve known me for years or just read this blog now and again, I’d love it if you could take a couple of seconds to point-and-clickedly tell me who I am. It’s a Johari Window, […]
Just added a nifty little page (accessible via the top most menu as “Elsewhere“) that lists other sites who are linking to Making Chutney. I also renamed the “Asides” posts in the sidebar to “Side Dishes,” because it made me feel clever.
Atlanta UU blogging has exploded in the last few weeks, and it seems like half the people I know at church are blogging now. Okay, that’s exaggerating, but you get the point. Some have been around for a bit, but most are new. Here they are, so check them out and drop them a line. […]
Harry asks what character traits parents would most wish for their children to have. In an old survey, the top answers were honesty (overwhelmingly), then obedience and good judgment. Harry, in counterpoint, chooses kindness. I’m surprised how often “academically successful” (to summarize several replies) came up in comments to Harry’s points. Disappointed, really. Parents whose […]