They told Wifefriend that she was joining the Pizza Club. I was excited. I’ve never been in a Pizza Club before! But then I googled it and found out it’s just some stupid VIP Program. Fuck that. I want a Pizza Club.
Philocrites definitively proves—with the help of several sociological studies and the New York times—that UUs do a have a class bias, despite their protestations that they didn’t “choose” to.
[photopress:1572244259.03.TZZZZZZZ.jpg,thumb,alignright]A few minutes after my daily dose of Lamictal I noticed this Salon interview with ACT therapist Stephen C. Hayes (on the occasion of his new book). Not familar with ACT therapy? First I’d heard of it too. ACT (Acceptance and Commitment) therapy is the third wave in the movement from behavioral therapy to cognitive […]
The best title for a blog entry I’ve seen in a while: The Tao of Blasphemy.
[photopress:mightymouse_1_2.jpg,thumb,alignright]Long ago in the days of computer yore, I used a Mac. We had four of them for high school yearbook staff, but my folks couldn’t afford anything besides a hand-me-down Apple IIe. So there was little Mac use for me aside from the occasional term paper in the college computer lab. And then there […]
We discussed prayer at our 20/30something discussion group a couple nights back. (For those of you who aren’t UU, prayer isn’t much of a UU thing these days, although there are certainly exceptions.) During the conversation I found myself saying that I missed the richness of good old fashioned liturgical prayer, like in the Book […]