A nifty little PBS essay on the Early Church points out how crucial Christianity’s down-to-earth organizational structure was to its success in the Roman Empire. The author attributes its success to several things: The bewildering array of new gods and cults available to Romans could be radically simplified by converting to Christianity. Conversion, rather than […]
Thanks to Big Al for sending this one in. Black people just love Sally and Johnny—just ask them about it! Testimonials and real photo evidence! And Big Al, I just have to say you are quite the intellectual for a fat man. Very articulate (which means you use your words well). And you sent this […]
Can we always reach a compromise with our political enemies? Fafnir and Giblets argue each side of the question from the safety of their tree top—safe, that is, from the zombies that lurk below. Their conclusion? “Evil Mount Rushmore was over five thousand feet tall an carved out of a single block of patriotic terror,” […]
(Originally posted on Healing Hagar.) The dominant theology of a good deal of the stories of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible is simple enough: please god and you’ll be blessed, displease god and you’ll suffer. You can see it as early as Genesis. Adam and Eve displease god and get kicked out of Eden. Humanity displeases […]
There’s a meme going around, dagnabbit, and I’m not going to be left out in the cold. 1. Jefferson Davis—all around traitorous bastard 2. Robert E. Lee—traitorous bastard who killed thousands of Americans, however noble he was supposed to have been 3. Nathan Bedford Forrest—traitor and racist shit who founded the KKK 4. George Custer—for […]
Geese Aplenty wonders why all the fuss over gay men having affairs in the mountains when sunny Curacao goes out of its way to advertise its gay friendliness: I haven’t actually seen Brokeback Mountain, but I love Annie Proulx’s short story. The final line is just beautiful: “There was some open space between what he […]