I absolutely love how conversatives are trying to shore up support for the Iraq War by accusing detractors of hurting troop morale. "Our troops are listening," they say, and I for one am learning a thing or two. For one, previous to now, I had been under the impression that the US military was a […]
Scene 1: Bill O’Reilly and Fox News buddies declare a War on the War on Christmas. Scene 2: An anti-theist group declares War on the War on the War on Christmas, threatening free guerilla distribution of their documentary “The God Who Wasn’t There” wherever Christmas is publicly celebrated. The documentary argues that Jesus never existed. […]
Peacebang on Unitarian hypocrisy: We’re just as fallen as any religious movement. We billed ourselves as the saviors, the reformers, the ones who would purify the church, and we failed. We just don’t see it, because the ways we have tunnel vision are so in sync with so much of liberal, secular culture, we have […]
Got to go to St. Louis to visit my brother for Turkey day. But my nephew gets all his cuteness from me.
When discussing the "seventh principle" ("respect for the interdependent web of existence…"), the group leader says, "So what do you get out of this one, besides happy pagan goodness?" When, at checkout time, a group member says that what she got out of the session was that she'll start turning off the faucet while she's […]