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Top ten posts of 2005

12.23.05 | 2 Comments

You liked them, read them, and/or commented on them. Here they are, your favorites for 2005:

1) Nursing my addiction. A very short post proclaiming my love Sid Meier’s Civilization series. Must be getting lots of Google hits.

2) A new way to do ministerial formation. Here I argue that the current state of ministerial education and training is broke and suggest a new model to fix it. Oddly, no comments yet. (Hint, hint.)

3) A plea for comment notifications. A quick shout out to a WordPress plugin. Guess I struck a chord.

4) Bible the “Word of God?” I take fundamentalists to task for their facile bible-olatry and show why its unbiblical to boot.

5) What can I get you to drink? Here I announced my new career move: bartender. (Still in training, but I think I’ll be getting the nod of approval soon.)

6) Washing liberal trash. I hate washing my recycling. Which provides me an occasion to expound on why liberals suck.

7) Peace and safety. Where I suggest new church safety policies, such as banning doorways so no one will nail their penis to a doorframe.

8) How to make a jackass of yourself. Declaring war on the war on the war on the war on Christmas. (Did I miss one there?)

9) Fie on forgiveness. I am a recovery fundamentalist, and I adore my bitterness about it. Too bad it isn’t working for me anymore.

10) No pity, please. A quick shout-out to the MTV documentary Murderball.

(Going away for the holidays, so posting will probably be light until after New Years.)

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