
Be it resolved. Jesus was Republican.

12.22.05 | 17 Comments

A thousand manly salutes to Gen. J.C. Christian, Patriot and heterosexual:

WHEREAS, The Prince of Peace was always the first to yell “traitor” whenever someone questioned whether Samaria really had weapons of mass destruction;

WHEREAS, The Redeemer supported the Pharisees’ domestic spying and torture programs;

WHEREAS, the Son of God’s faith in crucifixion’s value as a deterrent never wavered;

WHEREAS, Jehovah taught that the best way to help the poor was to provide handouts to the rich;

WHEREAS, Our Savior exercised his Second Amendment rights as a lifetime member of the Judea Slingshot Association;

WHEREAS, The Lord was 110% heterosexual regardless of all of the remarks about his batchelorhood;

WHEREAS, Emmanuel patrolled the Assyrian border to keep the Mexicans out;

WHEREAS, Jesus Christ worked tirelessly for the passage of Proposition IX, the “Tax the Lepers” measure, in the election of 29 AD;


[tags]jesus was a republican, jesus, republicans[/tags]

