Overheard on Sirius Radio’s “Left of Center” channel today: God’s no better than you Just bigger is all
A friend forwarded me this email. Say farewell to Nigerian spam. Now spam will go all Holy Ghost on your ass:
As y’all might know, my wife has Crohn’s disease. Cimzia, a new drug, might be coming to market as early as next year. Good news.
My name is Chutney, and I am a recovering fundamentalist. And I cannot forgive. The preacher folks at church have been talking about forgiveness these last two weeks, on account of it being the High Holy Days. If that wasn’t enough, I’ve been in charge of leading sermon discussions for our 20/30s group those two […]
So I’m reading a Plastic thread about sue-happy parents and playground injuries when I run across this gem: When I was a kid my favorite game was to nail my peepee to the door frame and slam my nuts in the door, are they gonna ban doors now? Wow. I don’t remember ever playing that […]
Contrary to Evil Chutney’s ramblings, my next “recovering seminarian” career move will be cocktailianism, mixology, and bartending. The plan is to work for an old work buddy at his new digs, the Graveyard Tavern, which opens appropriately enough on Halloween. (My evangelical mother will just love the sound of that.) Aside from spending too much […]