
Help cure Crohn’s disease

08.19.05 | 1 Comment

As I mentioned last year, my wife Emily has Crohn’s Disease, an autoimmune disorder that eats away at the digestive tract.  After several trips to the hospital emergency room (including New Years Eve 1999/2000), she was finally diagnosed and a foot of her colon was removed.  Since her surgery, she has had to change her diet and lifestyle, take a constantly changing salad of medications, endure regular tests, and monitor herself for "flare ups" and blockages.

Each fall the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America organizes regional walk-a-thons to raise money for research.  Atlanta’s walk will be September 17, and we will both be participating.

You can help by sponsoring me in this walk.  You can make a donation online.  Each little bit really does help, so please make whatever gift you can.

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