More college educated whities "solving racism" on behalf of those unfortunate dark people. More rich SUV owners assuaging their guilt at the soup kitchen. More teenie boppers demanding both that they are adults and that the children are our future. Fuck liberal guilt. Find a more interesting way to be self-involved. When I was a […]
There’s "Cynicism" and then there’s "cynicism." Do you know the difference? Do you know which one rich white people fear? Everyone’s a cynic who doesn’t believe what you believe. Everyone’s a cynic who doesn’t do what you do.
Following up on blogger conversations at GA, Jess’ Journal has a new post on blogging ethics, where she talks about writing under a pseudonym: I think that blogging under one’s own name adds a level of responsibility that some people aren’t willing to deal with. When you can be confronted in "real life" by something […]
This OKC native’s heart and mind is with London today.
Joshua at Fagistan finds the noblesse oblige and corporate feudalism of Batman Begins hard to swallow. [Batman Begins] gives us a man who sees a significant moral difference between killing someone and merely letting them die. It also gives us a portrayal of grotesquely corrupt municipal governments and the utter failure of democracy to provide […]
With all those unaborted fetii piling up…