I heard stories, but I didn’t believe them. Now I know it’s true, all too true. Cut the meat away from the membranes with a sharp knife. Discard the membranes. No, thank you, I already ate.
I’m about to put my money where my mouth is on this one. (More on that later.) But in the meantime, Mark Morford asks if it’s "time to quit your safe job and follow your path and infuriate the establishment:" We are designed, weaned, trained from Day 1 to be productive members of society. And […]
Philocrites get his jackass on. (Y’all know what “santorum” really means, don’t ya?)
Every so often I run across folks who equate “being nice” with “behaving ethically.” That this drives me batty will come as no surprise to regular readers. But I’d like to add another peg to the discussion: “nice” is classist. I’ll fill that out a little more: “nice” is how well-to-do white folks with asthma […]
Over four years ago, the mrs and I decided to get rid of our $13K+ of high interest credit card debt. Yesterday we learned our mission is accomplished! (And a month or two early at that.) (If you need help, you can get it.)
As a constructive alternative to Evil Chutney’s ranting and raving, I’d suggest this book by damali ayo. It grew out of her infamous website from a couple years back: rent-a-negro.com. The book includes descriptions of typical rental situations, suggestions for rental rates, and a quick self-quiz to see if you are already a renter. These […]