Joshua at Fagistan finds the noblesse oblige and corporate feudalism of Batman Begins hard to swallow.
[Batman Begins] gives us a man who sees a significant moral difference between killing someone and merely letting them die. It also gives us a portrayal of grotesquely corrupt municipal governments and the utter failure of democracy to provide safety or comfort to the people. With democracy fallen around us, there is only one place to turn. The rich, handsome, perfect Bruce Wayne with his billions and his ruling instinct and his good breeding and his castle literally right out of the English countryside. The justice system leads to killers being declared "insane" to avoid punishment. Fascism proposes that we simply kill all the bad people before they can do bad acts. Feudalism allows us one judge and executioner to carry out an incoherent system of justice, in which claiming not to want to kill people but killing them anyway is "heroic."
But this has always been Batman, has it not? A rich vigilante torn between an obsession for vengeance and need to grant mercy?
It’s not as though Batman succeeds. Sure, he defeats many villains over the course of his crime-fighting career. But his enemies more and more come to depend on the Batman for the raison d’etre—the Joker’s psychopathy feeds off the Batman, and Bane is drawn to him like a magnet. And because the crime never abates, Wayne’s obsession never abates.
The obsessed, rich vigilante and the psychotic criminals need one another. The one without the other would not survive for long.
You’re right, of course, that this has always been Batman. But, I’m not much of a comic book geek, and the previous Batman films have been purely aesthetic when they succeeded and nothing at all when they failed. So, it’s “Batman Begins” which takes the moral issues seriously enough to be bothersome. The movie is good enough to make me care, while still not managing to make itself entirely coherent about what the answer to these moral questions is. Instead, it takes what Batman has always been and allows that to stand as an answer. And what a creepy one it is.
Thanks for the link!