There are, of course, two kinds of shame. One is a social, ostracizing shame, a shame that casts you out, that scapegoats. The second is a self-inflicted shame, a shame that comes from the realization that you have violated your own deepest values. It is this second, transformative form of shame I wish to argue […]
Thanks, Greg Beato of Wonkette. Speaking last week on a Philadelphia radio show, Rumsfeld shared one historian’s view that "if the Revolutionary War had been covered the way we’re covering this war and people had seen how difficult the conditions are and how badly things were run…people would have tossed it in." So if we […]
A group calling itself "Newsbreakers" gangs up on unsuspecting local news folks with the help of veteran reporter Jiminy Diz, the Cheese Ninja, and an Invisibility Suit. It’s The Daily Show meets absurdist street theater. Back in the day, I would throw my trusty bobcat rug on my back like a cape, put a cowboy […]
Please correct me if I’m wrong. But it appears that the UUA’s Commission on Appraisal is only making printed copies available of its report. Moreover, it is only making one copy available to each congregation. The rest of us must buy a copy of the report (link withheld) from the UUA bookstore for $14 plus […]
I’m intrigued by the new "Adopt a Blog" project. The idea is that bloggers who own their own domain and control their web space (rented or otherwise) can host a blog for a Chinese blogger who would otherwise be blocked by Chinese authorities. Of course, China isn’t the only nation clamping down on the free […]
Real Live Preacher continues his series on depression: Hyper-focus has always been my drug of choice, and these are the things that bring it: movies, reading, writing, and preaching. […] So my first experience with preaching on drugs tells me that I’ve got to relearn some things. Having real drugs on board, I don’t need to […]