Today a co-worker was sharing about some exciting research investigating “still births.” She was saying how we really don’t know, even today, what causes still births. My first thought was: “Sin. It’s sin in their lives. That baby has devil in him.” Albeit, I was being a sarcastic jackass (and kept my thoughts to myself). […]
On first brush I agreed with my friend Mark: John Edwards (aside from his hair) is a snoozer. (Check out his new blog “Leaves a Mark” and say hello.) But I’m starting to change my mind. When Howard Dean’s bubble burst and I started to pay attention to Edwards, his “two Americas speech” resonated with […]
More from philosopher Terry Eagleton: Much atheism today is just inverted religion. Atheists tend to advance a version of religion which nobody in their right mind would subscribe to, and then righteously reject it. They accept the sort of crude stereotypes of it that would no doubt horrify them in any other field of inquiry.
A nifty quote from Terry Eagleton in his newish book After Theory: People did not have to wait upon the arrival of an obscure first-century Jewish prophet, who was probably less of a crowd-puller than his mentor John the Baptist, in order to start being nice to each other.
I’ve often found myself describing my religious affiliation to others as “recovering fundamentalist.” In the liberal circles I travel in, this is usually met by laughter, smirks, and nods of appreciation. Yet in every group there seem to be a few who have left their previous fundamentalist beliefs behind but are hostile to that personal […]