I’ve been impressed (depressed?) lately with the slide of a middle-aged friend into the moralism of an old fuddy-duddy. Specifically, she is convinced that “young people today” (YPT) have no sense of the common good and no meaningful sexual mores. Let’s take these two complaints in reverse order. Then we’ll look at what her complaints […]
Unleashed by a local ne’er-do-well who could not afford to feed them the 300 virgin girls they demanded, several disgruntled demons attacked students in a nearby school. A police investigation soon followed, and the Ugandan anti-demon lobby is calling for tougher legislation against the irresponsible employment of naughty demons. (Really.)
Here we go. Tom Ridge is talking about delaying the election if there’s a terrorist attack. We managed to hold elections in the middle of World War II and the Civil War, and we were certainly in more danger then. But let some terrorists blow up a building again, and we’ve got to shut down […]
Another friend started a blog this month. Welcome Wade and the gang at The Think Tank: Great Minds Do Not Have to Think Alike. They’re now on the blogroll under “civitas” (along with last week’s addition “Leaves a Mark“).
I just installed a new email subscription doo-dad. I’ll add the link the the sidebar for your future use. The advantage of this doo-dad is that you can both subscribe and unsubscribe yourself. Try it out for yourself—it’s super fun! (Thanks to seriocomic for the good work!)
I. It seems that masturbating for peace is no longer cutting edge. Now avant garde protesters have sex in public to save the rain forests. II. Overhead on the Southpark espisode “Conjoined Fetus Lady” just minutes ago: Principle: So what are you pissed off about now? Stan’s Mom: I’m not pissed off. I want to […]